The Butterfly Effect

“A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference.” – Winnie the Pooh

This post will make more sense if you watch this video first.

Amanda had an amazing butterfly effect on all those around her. It was not all the big things she did, but the small little instances that made the biggest impact. I want to share with you an example of one time when she flapped her wings. I almost read this letter as her eulogy but decided that I needed to use my own words for that.

After Amanda’s surgery she was recovering in the hospital and going through physical therapy when we learned what happed to Denice Swift’s brother Ric. Denice is the dear friend who help coordinate the meal train for us. Her brother Ric is a chef and was in the process of getting a new business off the ground when he was randomly attached by some dogs. They mauled him and did extensive damage to his arms and hands. Ric still suffers from nerve damage and you can imagine what kind of impact that has on a chef who needs his hands to do his job.

Ric was not in a good place and not sure how to move forward when Amanda recommended to Denice that he try the St. Michael Farmers’ Market. Amanda was able to make a phone call and help get Ric set up and things turned around for him. That was in September. Here is the letter Ric sent Amanda around Christmas time.

Dear Amanda,

Maceh and I hope that this note finds you in good spirits and surrounded by loved ones for the Holidays. As for us, our Holidays are so much brighter and less stressful because of all you have done for us and our fledgling business. After the dog attack in June left me without the use of my left hand and in uncontrollable pain, our future seemed bleak as we struggled to put together a coherent plan for Unkle Ric’s moving forward. This changed in September with a phone call from my sister who had just spoken with you; she relayed to us that you recommended that we give the St. Michaels Farmers Market a shot. We were not overly optimistic as the market was full and we were not prepared but Tricia instantly approved us for the market and within two weeks we had all of our permits in order and were at our first market. It was amazing the support that we received from your friends and family which really set us off on the right foot and gave us something to feel good about. Every week we were surprised by the number of customers who upon greeting us told us that they were either a friend or a family member of yours. This support continued for all 8 weeks that we attended St. Michaels and took away so much of the growing pains associated with a normal business startup. We consistently outsold most of the established vendors and that most certainly would not have been possible without your constant support. We are overwhelmed with gratitude that you put so much time and effort into helping us with all that is going on in the world and in your own life. Your selflessness gave us the kick start that we so desperately needed and it gave us hope. I had not left the house for months save to go in for medical procedures and was consumed with fear as to what was to become of us and our business. After our first market, which was a success, neither Maceh nor I had time to feel sorry for ourselves as we were busy preparing for the next week’s market. I cannot overstate the importance of what you did for us. I was floundering in despair and you gave me hope. We were struggling with direction and you helped provide one to us. We know there are many more struggles to come both with the business and with my recovery but we also have hope and direction where before your acts of kindness we did not. You and your family have been and remain in our prayers.

May God Bless you and all your loved ones,

Ric and Maceh

It does not take much energy for a butterfly to flap its wings. Try to be someone’s butterfly today.

Go Be Awesome.


  1. Kathy Yeaman

    I know that this is just one example of how Amanda was someone’s butterfly 🦋.

  2. Polly

    This makes me want to be a better person. Thank Byron!

  3. Kim Bannister

    So good! What an example Amanda is for all.
    Thank you for sharing.

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